Workshops and more

FREE annual CPD workshops for teachers of English Language A level

Can't wait for the next workshop?

Try our free four week online course Accents, Attitudes and Identity: Introduction to Sociolinguistics:

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Previous workshops

All of the materials on this site have been tested with teachers at one or more CPD workshops at the University of York. If you use the materials and have feedback or questions please let us know.

Workshop talk video (will be available shortly)


Slides from Dan's 2024 talk


Dan Clayton's 2024 workshop "putting it into practice" talk. 

Our research talks in 2024 were:

Talk recording [36 mins]


Slides from Dan's 2023 talk


Dan Clayton's 2023 workshop "putting it into practice" talk. 

Our research talks in 2023 were:

Live Workshop talk 2022 [20 mins]

CPD2022_Dan Clayton_slides.pdf

Slides from Dan's 2022 Live Workshop talk


Dan Clayton's 2022 workshop "putting it into practice" talk, including a review of all 25 case studies to date

Focussed research in 2022 was

Live Webinar talk 2021 [19 mins]

CPD2021 DC presentation.pdf

Slides from Dan's 2021 Live Webinar talk


Dan Clayton's 2021 workshop "putting it into practice" talk. 

Focussed research in 2021 was

Live Webinar talk 2020 [19 mins]

Dan Clayton York CPD 2020 putting it into practice.pptx

Slides from Dan's 2020 Live Webinar talk

Dan Clayton York CPD 2019 putting it into practice.pdf
Dan Clayton York CPD 2015 slides.pdf

2015 workshop

Dan Clayton (of EngLangBlog) attended our 2015 workshop on behalf of the AQA, to provide guidance for use of the workshop materials in teaching for the AQA specification.

Dan's slides are available here to view (© AQA) and they include the following case studies: